
Bioeconomía del Salix

Research contracts supported by public funding

Cod., tit.: 2017-CE214, Bio economy of Salix
Fin: INTASA S.A. (contract funded by FEADER 2017/019 Galician Regional Government Project)
Part.: EPS (USC)
Dur: 1/09/2017-15/10/2020
A.: 47.715€
P.I.: Rojo Alboreca, A.


The generic objective of the project is to innovate in obtaining bioproducts through the willow biorefinery, evaluating the possibilities of short rotation forestry plantations with improved material of the species as an economically and environmentally beneficial alternative for many abandoned or underused lands in Galicia, or as a complement for livestock farms that need to diversify with more environmental alternatives (effluent filter, etc.).


Several demonstration short rotation plantations with willows (with the Terranova clone) in the municipalities of San Sadurniño and Mesía (A Coruña) have been carried out and analysed. Different equations for total, wood and bark dry biomass have been developed. In addition, biorefinery methodologies have been fine-tuned to obtain various willow bio-products: xylitol from wood, and condensed tannins from bark. The project has shown that short rotation forestry with willows can be an economically viable and environmentally responsible alternative for many lands in Galicia that are currently abandoned or underused.

Partial results of the project can be found in: Pérez López, Cristian. 2019.  Productivity of short rotation plantations of Salix spp. in Galicia . Master's final Project, Master’s in Forest Engineering. September 2019. Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering, Lugo, University of Santiago de Compostela. 72 pp. (in Spanish)


Research contracts supported by public funding

Cod., tit.: 2016-CE020, Portable thermoelectric generation system using biomass gasification (pyrogaz)
Fin.: Allarluz (contract supported by CONECTA PEME 2016 IN852A 2016/4 PYROGAZ)
Part.: EPS (USC)
Dur.: 1/07/2016-30/06/2019
A.: 18,000€
P.I.: Merino García, A.

Cod., tit.: 2016-CE019, Portable thermoelectric generation system using biomass gasification (pyrogaz)
Fin.: Norvento, S.L. (contract supported by CONECTA PEME 2016 IN852A 2016/4 PYROGAZ)
Part.: EPS (USC)
Dur.: 1/07/2016-31/03/2019
A.: 15,150€
P.I.: Merino García, A.

Contrato para actividades de asistencia técnica entre la USC y la Asociación Forestal de Galicia para el proyecto “Bosques gallegos y absorción de CO2”

Research contracts supported by public funding

Cod., tit.: 2015-CL033, Contract for join technical assistance activities between the USC and the Galician Forestry Association for the project “Galician forests and CO2 absorption”
Fin: Asociación Forestal de Galicia (contract supported by FEDER Innterconecta project)
Part.: EPS (USC)
Dur: 01/07/2015-30/06/2017
A.: 17,824€
P.I.: Diéguez Aranda, U.

Method and device for measuring the volume of objects made of hygroscopic materials with a complex geometry, by means of a pneumatic system

Software. Property rights. Patents

Title: Method and device for measuring the volume of objects made of hygroscopic materials with a complex geometry, by means of a pneumatic system
Inventors: Pérez Cruzado, C., Rojo Alboreca, A., Rodríguez Soalleiro, R.

Patent Owner: University of Santiago de Compostela
National Patent number: ES2439594B2
National application number: P201230971
National date of presentation: 21/06/2012
National date of concession: 26/08/2015
National date of publication: 02/09/2015
WIPO patentscope link

International application number: PCT/ES2013/070405
International publication number: WO/2014/057150
International date of publication: 17/04/2014
WIPO patentscope link

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