Ayres M.P., Sullivan, J.M., Harrison T., Zylstra K.E., Dodds K.J., Garnas J.R., Mastro V.C., Lombardero M.J. 2010. Progress in understanding the ecology and detection of Sirex noctilio. USDA Interagency Research Forum on Invasive Species. Annapolis, Maryland (USA), 12-15/02/2010
Baño, V., Arriaga, F., Soilán, A., Guaita, M. 2010. F.E.M. analysis on the strength loss in timber due to the presence of knots. World Conference on Timber Engineering. XI WCTE 2010. Riva del Garda, Trentino (Italy), 20-24/06/2010
Castedo-Dorado, F., Gómez-García, E., Diéguez-Aranda, U., Barrio-Anta, M., Crecente-Campo, F. 2010. Aboveground stand biomass equations for major forest species in the northwest of Spain (Poster). IUFRO Conference “Mixed and Pure Forests in a Changing World 2010”. Vila Real (Portugal), 6-8/10/2010
In: Lopes, D., Tomé, M., Liberato, M., Soares, P. 2010. ‘Mixed and pure forests in a changing world’ Book of abstracts, p. 58. Universtiy of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. ISBN: 978-972-669-980-4
Crecente-Campo, F., Gómez-García, E., Diéguez-Aranda, U. 2010. Simultaneous fit of individual-tree growth and mortality equations from data with missing values. An example for Pinus sylvestris L. in northwestern Spain (Poster). XXIII IUFRO World Congress: “Forests for the future: Sustaining Society and the Environment”. Seoul (Korea), 23-28/08/2010
In: Parrota, J.A., Carr, M.A. 2010. “Forests for the future: Sustaining Society and the Environment”. XXIII IUFRO World Congress. Abstracts”. The International Forestry Review, 12 (5): 328. ISSN: 1465 5489
Ferreiro, A., Fontúrbel, T., Fernández, C, Merino, A., Vega, J.A. 2010. Indicadores visuales de severidad del fuego y relaciones con cambios en parámetros químicos y microbiológicos después de incendio. Jornadas Internacionales "Investigación y gestión para la protección del suelo y restauración de los ecosistemas afectados por incendios forestales" FUEGORED2010. Santiago de Compostela, 6-8/10/2010
En: Díaz Raviña, M., Benito, E., Carballas, T., Fontúrbel, M.T., Vega J.A. (eds.). Jornadas Internacionales "Investigación y gestión para la protección del suelo y restauración de los ecosistemas afectados por incendios forestales". Tórculo Artes gráficas, 155-158. ISBN: 978-84-8408-583-6
Ferreiro, A., Salgado. J., Fontúrbel, T., Fernández, C, Merino, A., Vega, J.A. 2010. Aplicación de técnicas calorimétricas para la caracterización de la MOS en terrenos incendiados con diferentes severidades. Jornadas Internacionales "Investigación y gestión para la protección del suelo y restauración de los ecosistemas afectados por incendios forestales" FUEGORED2010. Santiago de Compostela, 6-8/10/2010
En: Díaz Raviña, M., Benito, E., Carballas, T., Fontúrbel, M.T., Vega J.A. (eds.). Jornadas Internacionales "Investigación y gestión para la protección del suelo y restauración de los ecosistemas afectados por incendios forestales". Tórculo Artes gráficas, 159-162. ISBN: 978-84-8408-583-6
Gómez-García, E., Crecente-Campo, F., Stankova, T., Rojo, A., Diéguez-Aranda, U. 2010. Dynamic growth model for birch stands in Northwestern Spain (Oral). International Conference “Forestry: Bridge to the future”. Sofia (Bulgaria), 13-15/05/2010
In: Forestry: Bridge to the future. Book of abstracts. 2010. p. 48. ISBN: 978-954-332-072-1.
Gómez-García, E., Vázquez-Núñez, D., Diéguez-Aranda, U., Crecente-Campo, F. 2010. Above-ground dry biomass equations for Quercus robur and Betula pubescens in Galicia (Poster). IUFRO Conference “Mixed and Pure Forests in a Changing World 2010”. Vila Real (Portugal), 6-8/10/2010
In: Lopes, D., Tomé, M., Liberato, M., Soares, P. 2010. ‘Mixed and pure forests in a changing world’ Book of abstracts, p. 64. Universtiy of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. ISBN: 978-972-669-980-4
González Ferreiro, E., Diéguez Aranda, U., Gonçalves Seco, L., Crecente, R., Miranda, D. 2010 Assessing biomass in Eucalyptus globulus plantations in Galicia using different LiDAR sampling densities (Oral). ForestSat 2010: 4th international conference on Operational tools in forestry using remote sensing techniques. Lugo (Spain), 6-10/09/2010
In: Miranda, D., Suárez, J., and Crecente, R. (Eds.) Proceedings of ForestSat 2010: 4th international conference on Operational tools in forestry using remote sensing techniques, pp. 37–41
González-González, J.M., Castedo-Dorado, F., Diéguez-Aranda, U., Rojo-Alboreca, A., Álvarez-González, J.G. 2010. GesMO© 2009, a stand-level growth and yield simulator (Poster). IUFRO Conference “Mixed and Pure Forests in a Changing World 2010”. Vila Real (Portugal), 6-8/10/2010
In: Lopes, D., Tomé, M., Liberato, M., Soares, P. 2010. ‘Mixed and pure forests in a changing world’ Book of abstracts, p. 65. Universtiy of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. ISBN: 978-972-669-980-4.
Hofstetter, R.H, Ayres, M.P., Klepzig, K.D., Marino, P.A., Lombardero, M.J. 2010 Symbiosis in forest pestilence (Oral). XXIII IUFRO World Congress: “Forests for the future: Sustaining Society and the Environment”. Seoul (Republic of Korea), 23-28/08/2010.
In: Parrota, J.A., Carr, M.A. 2010. “Forests for the future: Sustaining Society and the Environment”. XXIII IUFRO World Congress. Abstracts”. The International Forestry Review, vol.12 (5): 361. ISSN: 1465 5489
Lombardero, M.J., Alonso-Rodriguez, M., Roca Posada, E.P. 2010. Forest management and pest dynamics (Oral). IXth European Congress of Entomology. Budapest (Hungary), 22-27/08/2010
Pasalodos Tato, J., Miranda Barrós, D., Diéguez Aranda, U., González Ferreiro, E. 2010. Designing a specific forest planning instrument from LiDAR data using linear programming techniques. (Oral). ForestSat 2010: 4th international conference on Operational tools in forestry using remote sensing techniques. Lugo (Spain), 6-10/09/2010
In: Miranda, D., Suárez, J., and Crecente, R. (Eds.). Proceedings of ForestSat 2010: 4th international conference on Operational tools in forestry using remote sensing techniques, pp 129-133
Pérez, F., Rojo, A. 2010. Apply the AHP by new free software called MPC for take decisions in forest management (Poster). XXIII IUFRO World Congress: “Forests for the future: Sustaining Society and the Environment”. Seoul (Republic of Korea), 23-28/08/2010.
In: Parrota, J.A., Carr, M.A. 2010. “Forests for the future: Sustaining Society and the Environment”. XXIII IUFRO World Congress. Abstracts”. The International Forestry Review, 12 (5): 189 . ISSN: 1465 5489
Pérez Rodríguez, F., Rojo Alboreca, A. 2010. Applying AHP in forest management with MPC software to introduce sustainable criteria in decision-making (Poster). IUFRO Conference “Mixed and Pure Forests in a Changing World 2010”. Vila Real (Portugal), 6-8/10/2010
In: Lopes, D., Tomé, M., Liberato, M., Soares, P. 2010. ‘Mixed and pure forests in a changing world’ Book of abstracts, p. 42. Universtiy of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. ISBN: 978-972-669-980-4
Pulido Sierra, S.I., Rojo Alboreca, A. 2010. Proposta de linhas estratégicas para o desenvolvemento da cadeia productiva de borracha natural na Orinoquía Colombiana. II Congresso Brasileiro de Heveicultura “Agronegócio borracha: Desenvolvemento sustentável como ënfase na inclusào social”. Ilhéus-Bahía (Brasil), 10-13/08/2010
En: Actas II Congresso Brasileiro de Heveicultura (CD-ROM)
Pulido, I., Rojo Alboreca, A. 2010. Proposed standards for forest certification of natural rubber plantations in Colombia under the FSC system (Poster). IUFRO Conference “Mixed and Pure Forests in a Changing World 2010”. Vila Real (Portugal), 6-8/10/2010
In: Lopes, D., Tomé, M., Liberato, M., Soares, P. 2010. ‘Mixed and pure forests in a changing world’ Book of abstracts, p. 106. Universtiy of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. ISBN: 978-972-669-980-4
Roca-Posada, E.P., Crecente-Campo, F., Álvarez-González, J.G., Rojo-Alboreca, A. 2010. Results from a thinning experiment in a Pinus pinaster Ait. natural regeneration stand in NW Spain (Poster). IUFRO Conference “Mixed and Pure Forests in a Changing World 2010”. Vila Real (Portugal), 6-8/10/2010
In: Lopes, D., Tomé, M., Liberato, M., Soares, P. 2010. ‘Mixed and pure forests in a changing world’ Book of abstracts, p. 107. Universtiy of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. ISBN: 978-972-669-980-4.
Ruiz González, A.D., Vega Hidalgo, J.A., Álvarez González, J.G. 2010. Foliar moisture content variation in Quercus robur L. and Pinus radiata D. Don. in Galicia (NW Spain) (Poster). VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research. Coimbra (Portugal), 15-18/11/2010
In: Viegas, D.X. (Ed.) Abstracts of VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research. ADAI/CEIF, University of Coimbra, Portugal. ISBN 978-989-20-2157-7. (CD-ROM)
Sande-Eslava, B., Pérez-Cruzado, C., Merino, A., Salgado, J. 2010. Study of Soil Organic Matter stabilization in Galizian afforested Pinus radiata chronosequences by DSC (Poster). XVI ISBC Calorimetry, living systems, biomolecules. Lugo (España), 31/05/2010-3/06/2010
Salgado, J., Barros, N., Sande-Eslava, B., Pérez-Cruzado, C., Ferreiro, A., Merino, A. 2010. Calorimetric characterization of Eucalyptus globulus and Pinus radiata afforested Galizian soils (Poster). XVI ISBC Calorimetry, living systems, biomolecules. Lugo (España), 31/05/2010-3/06/2010
Stankova, T., Diéguez-Aranda, U. 2010. Diameter distribution model for Scots pine plantations in Bulgaria. (Oral) International Conference “Forestry: Bridge to the future”. Sofia (Bulgaria), 13-15/05/2010
In: Forestry: Bridge to the future. Book of abstracts. 2010. p. ISBN: 978-954-332-072-1