Method and device for measuring the volume of objects made of hygroscopic materials with a complex geometry, by means of a pneumatic system

Software. Property rights. Patents

Title: Method and device for measuring the volume of objects made of hygroscopic materials with a complex geometry, by means of a pneumatic system
Inventors: Pérez Cruzado, C., Rojo Alboreca, A., Rodríguez Soalleiro, R.

Patent Owner: University of Santiago de Compostela
National Patent number: ES2439594B2
National application number: P201230971
National date of presentation: 21/06/2012
National date of concession: 26/08/2015
National date of publication: 02/09/2015
WIPO patentscope link

International application number: PCT/ES2013/070405
International publication number: WO/2014/057150
International date of publication: 17/04/2014
WIPO patentscope link

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