Forest growth and productivity

Adapting 3-PG foliar variables to deciduous trees in response to water restriction: poplar short rotation plantations under Mediterranean conditions

Papers published in Research Journals included in the JCR or SJR

Fuertes, A., Oliveira, N., Pérez Cruzado, C., Cañellas, I., Sixto, H., Rodríguez-Soalleiro, R. 2024. Adapting 3-PG foliar variables to deciduous trees in response to water restriction: poplar short rotation plantations under Mediterranean conditions. Forestry 97, 107-119. DOI: 10.1093/forestry/cpad022

Productivity-environment models for Scots pine plantations in Bulgaria: an interaction of anthropogenic origin peculiarities and climate change

Papers published in Research Journals included in the JCR or SJR

Stankova, T.V., González-Rodríguez, M.A., Diéguez-Aranda, U., Ferezliev, A., Dimitrova, P., Kolev, K., Stefanova, P. 2024. Productivity-environment models for Scots pine plantations in Bulgaria: an interaction of anthropogenic origin peculiarities and climate change. Ecological Modelling 490, 110654. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2024.110654

Assessing the potential of poplar short rotation plantations to contribute to a low-carbon bioeconomy under water-limited conditions

Papers published in Research Journals included in the JCR or SJR

Fuertes, A., Oliveira, N., Cañellas, I., Sixto, H., Rodríguez-Soalleiro, R., Hanewinkel, M., Sperlich, D. 2023. Assessing the potential of poplar short rotation plantations to contribute to a low-carbon bioeconomy under water-limited conditions. Journal of Environmental Management 347, 119062. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119062

Individual-tree and stand-level models for estimating ladder fuel biomass fractions in unpruned Pinus radiata plantations

Papers published in Research Journals included in the JCR or SJR

Alonso-Rego, C., Fernandes, P., Álvarez-González, J.G., Arellano-Pérez, S., Ruiz-González, A.D. 2022. Individual-tree and stand-level models for estimating ladder fuel biomass fractions in unpruned Pinus radiata plantations. Forests 13, 1697. DOI: 10.3390/f13101697

Bioeconomía de las plantaciones de eucalipto en Galicia: Análisis de la rentabilidade comercial privada

Participation in congresses and scientific meetings

Arenas Ruiz, S., Díaz Balteiro, L., Rodríguez Soalleiro, R. 2022. Bioeconomía de las plantaciones de eucalipto en Galicia: Análisis de la rentabilidade comercial privada. (Poster) 8º Congreso Forestal Español: “La ciencia forestal y su contribución a los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible”. Lleida, Cataluña (España), 27/06/2022-1/07/2022
En: SECF. 2022. 8º Congreso Forestal Español: “La ciencia forestal y su contribución a los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible”. 8CFE-453, 9 pp. ISBN: 978-84-941695-6-4

Comparative global timber investment costs, returns, and applications, 2020-1

Papers published in Research Journals included in the JCR or SJR

Cubbage, F., Rubilar, R., Mac Donagh, P., Kanieski Da Silva, B., Bussoni, A., Morales, V., Balmelli, G., Hoeflich, V.A., Lord, R., Hernández, C., Zhang, P., Ha Tran Thi Thu, Yao, R., Hall, P., Korhonen, J., Díaz-Balteiro, L., Rodríguez-Soalleiro, R., Davis, R., Chudy, R., De La Torre, R., Lopera, G.J., Phimmavong, S., Garzón, S. Cubas-Baez, A. 2022. Comparative global timber investment costs, returns, and applications, 2020-1. Journal of Forest Business Research 1(1):90-121

Tarifas de biomassa para plantaciones de turno corto de Salix spp. en Galicia

Participation in congresses and scientific meetings

Pérez-López, C., Rojo-Alboreca, A., Álvarez-González, J.G. 2022. Tarifas de biomassa para plantaciones de turno corto de Salix spp. en Galicia (Oral) 8º Congreso Forestal Español: “La ciencia forestal y su contribución a los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible”. Lleida, Cataluña (España), 27/06/2022-1/07/2022
En: SECF. 2022. 8º Congreso Forestal Español: “La ciencia forestal y su contribución a los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible”. 8CFE-763, 17 pp. ISBN: 978-84-941695-6-4

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