
The research activities of members of the UXAFORES group is developed through the supervision of and participation in research projects supported by European, national and international funding, in collaboration with researchers from other national and international universities and research centres.

The research is very closely related to the teaching activities of the group members and involves participation in postgraduate courses and supervision of doctoral research.

The research results obtained lead to scientific publications (papers, books) and participation in scientific meetings.

Sulfadiazine removal with low-cost structured nano and micro-composite hydrogel beads on moroccan clays with alginate–CMC–biochar

Papers published in Research Journals included in the JCR or SJR

Raissouni, J., Draoui, K., Ait Aghzzaf, A., Cela-Dablanca, R., Barreiro, A., Fernández-Sanjurjo, M.J., Núñez-Delgado, A., Álvarez-Rodríguez, E. 2025. Sulfadiazine removal with low-cost structured nano and micro-composite hydrogel beads on moroccan clays with alginate–CMC–biochar. Journal of Environmental Management 374, 123952, 11 pp. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.123952

La regularidad en la anchura de anillos de crecimiento y su empleo en la clasificación visual de la madera para su asignación al sistema europeo de clases resistentes

Papers published in Research Journals not included in the JCR or SJR

Adsorption and desorption of the ionophore antibiotics narasin and monensin in soils and bioadsorbents from Galicia (NW Spain)

Participation in congresses and scientific meetings

Alvarez-Rodríguez, E., Cela-Dablanca, R., Barreiro, A., Míguez-González, A., Nuñez-Delgado, A., Fernández-Sanjujo, M.J. 2024. Adsorption and desorption of the ionophore antibiotics narasin and monensin in soils and bioadsorbents from Galicia (NW Spain) (Poster). European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024. Viena (Austria), 14–19/04/2024. Session SSS7.1., EGU24-17992. DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17992

Adsorción/desorción de amoxicilina por suelos y bioadsorbentes de bajo coste abundantes en Túnez

Participation in congresses and scientific meetings

Ayeb, A., Barreiro, A., Míguez-González, A., Dhaouadi, H., Dridi-Dhaouadi, S., Núñez-Delgado, A., Fernández-Sanjurjo, M.J., Álvarez-Rodríguez, E., Cela-Dablanca, R. 2024. Adsorción/desorción de amoxicilina por suelos y bioadsorbentes de bajo coste abundantes en Túnez (Poster). X Simposio Nacional sobre Control de la Degradación y Recuperación de Suelos (CONDEGRES-2024). Burgos (España), 24-27/06/2024

Utilización de henna y corteza de alcornoque para la retención de sulfodiazina

Participation in congresses and scientific meetings

Ayeb, A., Cela-Dablanca, R., Míguez-González, A., Dhaouadi, H., Dridi-Dhaouadi, S., Núñez-Delgado, A., Fernández-Sanjurjo, M.J., Álvarez-Rodríguez, E., Barreiro, A. 2024. Utilización de henna y corteza de alcornoque para la retención de sulfodiazina (Poster). X Simposio Nacional sobre Control de la Degradación y Recuperación de Suelos (CONDEGRES-2024). Burgos (España), 24-27/06/2024
In: Libro de resúmenes. Pág 58. Universidad de Burgos

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