
From the outset, UXAFORES has tried to transfer the knowledge obtained through its research activity to companies and authorities in the forestry and environmental sectors.

Research and service contracts have been established, many associated with projects financed by public funding.

The development of software, apps and patents has enabled transfer of relevant knowledge to the forest sector.

The organization and participation in transfer and dissemination activities to society is another of ensuring that the work of UXAFOREST reaches all interested parties.

Análise da influencia do proxecto GAMA sobre o sistema edafo-botánico da zona

Dissemination papers and publications

Sanjurjo. M.J., García, H., García Arias, A.I., Lema Rodicio, J. M., López Iglesias, E., Nieto Freire, T., Peón, T., Santos Solla, J. M., de la Torre, F., Villapol, S. 2024. Informe informe sobre o proxecto para a implantación dunha industría de fibra téxtil a base de celulosa e as súas infraestruturas asociadas. Consello da Cultura Galega. Santiago de Compostela, 1º edición, 181 pp. DOI: 10.17075/piiftbcia.2024

Jornada de presentación de la Guía técnica “Soluciones innovadoras en madera estructural en la arquitectura gallega actual”

Organization of technology transfer and dissemination activities

Act: Presentation of the technical guide “Innovative solutions involving structural timber in current Galician architecture”
Org.: Galician Forestry Industry Agency (XERA), PEMADE
L., d.: Fundación Laboral da Construción, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 24/03/2023
Part., act.: Feijóo Lombao, B.; Guaita Fernández, M., organizers

Jornada de puertas abiertas "Bosque responsables, ciudades más sostenibles. Un viaje hacia la sostenibilidad urbana desde la gestión forestal sostenible: Edificio Impulso Verde"

Organization of technology transfer and dissemination activities

Act.: Open Day "Responsible Forests, more sustainable cities. A journey towards urban sustainability through responsible forest management: history of the Impulso Verde building"
L., d.: Edificio Impulso Verde, Lugo (Spain), 22/06/2023
Part., act.: Rojo Alboreca, A., organizer

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