Additive nonlinear biomass equations: a likelihood-based approach
Papers published in Research Journals included in the JCR or SJRAffleck, D.L.R., Diéguez-Aranda, U. 2016. Additive nonlinear biomass equations: a likelihood-based approach. Forest Science 62(2):129-140. DOI: 10.5849/forsci.15-126
JCR I.I.: Forestry R 17/64 (Q2); IF 1,782
2016 International Meetings
Participation in congresses and scientific meetingsAhrorov, F., Djumaev, Z., Islomov, S., Veloso, E.L., Machado, C, Merino, A. 2016. Training on Quality Assurance procedures in Uzbekistan universities (Oral). SAMARKAND Conference 2016. Regional and International Cooperation in Central Asia and South Caucasus: Recent developments in agricultural trade. Samarkand (Uzbekistan), 2-4/11/16 http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/250083/2/F4_Agustin_Merino_Garcia.pdf
Ahrorov, F., Djumaev, Z., Islomov, S., Veloso, E.L., Machado, C., Merino, A. 2016. Verification of official university degrees: Comparison of EHEA and Uzbekistan (Oral) SAMARKAND Conference 2016. Regional and International Cooperation in Central Asia and South Caucasus: Recent developments in agricultural trade. Samarkand (Uzbekistan), 2-4/11/16 http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/250088/2/G2_Agustin_Merino_Garcia.pdf
Crespo, J., Aira, J.R., Vázquez, C., Majano-Majano, A., Guaita, M. 2016. Determination of the elastic constants in Eucalyptus globulus by ultrasound and mechanical tests. (Poster) World Conference on Timber Engineering WCTE 2016. Vienna (Austria), 22-25/08/16
In: J. Eberhardsteiner, W. Winter, A. Fadai, & M. Pöll (Eds.), WCTE 2016 -World Conference on Timber Engineering. (pp. 1409-1418). Vienna University of Technology. ISBN 978-3-903024-35-9 http://repositum.tuwien.ac.at/obvutwoa/download/pdf/1528439?originalFilename=true
Diéguez-Aranda, U., González-González, J.M., Arias-Rodil, M. 2016. Decision Support System for Sustainable Forest Management in Galicia (Spain) (Oral). I International Conference on Research for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions. Bragança (Portugal), 5-7/10/16
In: I International Conference on Research for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions. Book of Abstracts. Editors Centro de Investigação de Montanha (CIMO). Published by Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. Sy18O03, pág.127. ISBN: 978‐972‐745‐214‐9. URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10198/12135
Conde Cid, M., Paradelo Núñez, R., Arias Estévez, M., Álvarez Rodríguez, E., Fernández-Sanjurjo, M.J., Núñez-Delgado, A. 2016. Eliminación de fósforo de aguas residuales utilizando concha de mejillón/Phosphorus removal from wastewater using mussel shell. VII Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo (CICS 2016), VI Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem. Beja (Portugal), 13-15/09/2016
En: Comissão Editorial. 2016. Solos e Água: fontes (esgotáveis) de vida e de desenvolvimento. Livro de Actas do VII Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo (CICS 2016)/VI Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem, Instituto Politécnico de Beja, 422 págs, pp. 333-337. ISBN: 978-989-99665-0-5. http://www.secs.com.es/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/VII-CICS-2016-CNRD_Livro_de_Atas.pdf
Fernández-Calviño, D., Cutillas-Barreiro, L., Nóvoa-Muñoz, J.C., Arias-Estévez, M., Díaz-Raviña, M., Fernández-Sanjurjo, M.J., Álvarez-Rodríguez, E., Núñez-Delgado, A. 2016. Efecto de la adición de dos residuos a un suelo de escombreara de mina sobre la biomasa microbiana mediante el uso de PLFAs/Effect of waste addition to a mine tailing soil on microbial biomass using PLFAs.VII Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo (CICS 2016), VI Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem. Beja (Portugal), 13-15/09/2016
En: Comissão Editorial. 2016. Solos e Água: fontes (esgotáveis) de vida e de desenvolvimento. Livro de Actas do VII Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo (CICS 2016)/VI Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem, Instituto Politécnico de Beja, 422 págs, pp. 211-214. ISBN: 978-989-99665-0-5. http://www.secs.com.es/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/VII-CICS-2016-CNRD_Livro_de_Atas.pdf
Fernández-Marcos, M. L., Torres, L., Díaz-Vizcaino, E., Rigueiro, A. 2016. Preliminary study of leaching of oxyfluorfen applied to control weeds in the Roman Wall of Lugo (Spain). 9th European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment - 15th Symposium on Chemistry and Fate of Modern Pesticides. Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 4-7/10/2016
García-Oliva, F., Merino, A., González-Rodriguez, A., Chávez-Vergara, B., Tapia-Torres, Y., Oyama, K. 2016. Soil carbon pools within oak forest is endangered by global climate change in central Mexico (Póster). EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna (Austria), 17-22/04/2016
En: 2016. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-15383. eISSN 1607-7962 http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2016/EGU2016-15383.pdf
Gómez-Armesto, A., Polo-Pena, D., Bibián-Núñez, L., Pérez-Rodríguez, P., Araujo-Nespereira, P., Álvarez-Rodríguez, E., Fernández-Sanjurjo, M.J., Núñez-Delgado, A., Arias-Estévez, M., Nóvoa-Muñoz, J.C. 2016. Contenido de Hg y su distribución en profundidad en los suelos de una mina abandonada de Pb-Zn en el NW de España/Mercury content and its distribution with depth in soils from na abandoned Pb-Zn mine in NW Spain. VII Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo (CICS 2016) /VI Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem". Beja (Portugal), 13-15/09/2016
En: Comissão Editorial. 2016. Solos e Água: fontes (esgotáveis) de vida e de desenvolvimento. Livro de Actas do VII Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo (CICS 2016)/VI Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem, Instituto Politécnico de Beja, 422 págs, pp. 367-370. ISBN: 978-989-99665-0-5. http://www.secs.com.es/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/VII-CICS-2016-CNRD_Livro_de_Atas.pdf
Guerra-Hernández J., González Ferreiro E., Sarmento A., Silva J., Correia A., Tomé M. Díaz-Varela, R.A. 2016. Evaluation of interannual growth prediction in Pinus pinea stands from multi-temporal UAV imagery datasets (Oral). 2nd International Meeting on Mediterranean Stone Pine for Agroforestry. Lisbon (Portugal), 18-20/05/16
In: Mutke S, Correia AC, Vila Verde C (eds.) 2016. AgroPine2016. 2nd International Meeting on Mediterranean Stone Pine for Agroforestry. Book of abstracts. INIAV, Oeiras, 75 pp. Pág. 26 http://agropine2016.iniav.pt/images/Site/EN/BOOK_agropine2016_FINAL.pdf
Guerra-Hernández J., González Ferreiro E., Sarmento A., Silva J., Nunes A., Correia A., Fontes L., Tomé M. Díaz-Varela, R.A. 2016. Individual tree crown approach to estimate aboveground biomass using UAV photogrammetric point clouds in Pinus pinea stands in Portugal. I Seminário Internacional UAV. Lisbon (Portugal), 3-4/03/16
In: Tenedório, J.A., Estanqueiro, R., Juliao, R.P. (Coord.). I SEMINÁRIO INTERNACIONAL UAV. CICS.NOVA, FCSH Editores. E-book. 162-167 pp. ISBN: 978-989-20-6726-1 https://uav2016.weebly.com/actas.html
Lara-Bocanegra, A.J., Majano-Majano, A., Crespo, J., Guaita, M. 2016. Finger-joint performance in engineered laminated products made of Eucalyptus globulus. (Oral) World Conference on Timber Engineering WCTE 2016. Vienna (Austria), 22-25/08/16
In: J. Eberhardsteiner, W. Winter, A. Fadai, & M. Pöll (Eds.), WCTE 2016 -World Conference on Timber Engineering. (pp. 685-692). Vienna University of Technology. ISBN 978-3-903024-35-9 http://repositum.tuwien.ac.at/obvutwoa/download/pdf/1528439?originalFilename=true
Lombardero, M.J., Ayres, M.P., Krivak-Tetley, F.E., Fitza, K. N. E. 2016. Population biology of the European woodwasp, Sirex noctilio, in its native range (Comunicación invitada). 27th USDA Interagency Research Forum on Invasive Species. Annapolis, Merylan (USA), 12-15/01/16
Lorenzo, D., Kutnik, M., Fernández-Golfin, J., Touza, M., Guaita, M. 2016. Durability of exterior wood works in poplar from France in real conditions of use. 2nd Conference on Engineered Wood Products based on Poplar/Willow Wood. IPC Working Party on Harvesting and Utilization of Poplar and Willow Wood. León (Spain), 8-10/09/16
In: Van Acker, J. (Ed.). Proceedings 2nd Conference on Engineered Wood Products based on Poplar/Willow Wood CEWPPW2. Ghent University. Pp. 81-84 http://www.fao.org/forestry/45540-04bd4120d3d017f6709e067f950306a71.pdf
Mani, S., Merino, A., García-Oliva, F., Riotte, J., Sukumar, R. 2016. Soil organic matter pools and quality are sensitive to global climate change in tropical forests from India (Póster). EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna (Austria), 17-22/04/2016
En: 2016. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-16181. eISSN 1607-7962 http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2016/EGU2016-16181.pdf
Merino, A., Fonturbel, M.T., Omil, B., Chávez-Vergara, B., Fernandez, C., Garcia-Oliva, F., Vega, J.A. 2016. SOM quality and phosphorus fractionation to evaluate degradation organic matter: implications for the restoration of soils after fire (Póster). EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna (Austria), 17-22/04/2016
En: 2016. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-17537. eISSN 1607-7962 http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2016/EGU2016-17537.pdf
Merino, A., Gartzia-Bengoetxea, N., Morangues, L., Arias-Gonzalez, A. 2016. How the type of pyrogenic organic matter determines the SOM quality in amended soils (Póster). EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna (Austria), 17-22/04/2016
En: 2016. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-15669. eISSN 1607-7962 http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2016/EGU2016-15669.pdf
Mlonyeni, O., Fitza, K.N.E., Garnas, J., Greeff, J., Wingfield, M.D., Wingfield, B.D., Ayres, M.P., Lombardero, M.J., Slippers, B. 2016. The global diversity of Deladenus siricidicola (Oral). ICE 2016 XXV International Congress of Entomology. Orlando, Florida (USA), 25-30/09/16
Rafael, R.B.A., Corti, G., Fernández-Marcos, M.L., Cocco, S. 2016. Chemical assessment of different sizes of fluoroapatite rock and dolostone with potential to be used in agriculture. 2016 ESSC International Conference. "Soil - Our Common Future". Cluj-Napoca (Romania), 15-18/06/2016
Rafael, R.B.A., Fernandez-Marcos, M.L., Cocco, S., Ruello, M.L.; Cardelli, V.; Corti, G. 2016. Phosphorus availability to corn through interaction between biochar, phosphate rock and dolostone in acidic sandy soil. (Oral) 41° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana della Scienza del Suolo. Soil: A World to Discover. Ancona (Italia), 5-7/12/2016
En: Cardelli, V., Cocco, S, Corti, G. (Ed.). Società Italiana della Scienza del Suolo. 41° Congresso Nazionale. Soil: A World to Discover Libro dei riassunti, p.18. http://www.scienzadelsuolo.org/_docs/meetings/161221_LIBRO_DEI_RIASSUNTI_SISS2016.pdf
Regueira, R., Liñares, V., Lagaña, R., Guaita, M. 2016. Modeling of variation in the mechanical properties of beechwood at elevated temperatures using finite element method. (Poster) World Conference on Timber Engineering WCTE 2016. Vienna (Austria), 22-25/08/16
In: J. Eberhardsteiner, W. Winter, A. Fadai, & M. Pöll (Eds.), WCTE 2016 -World Conference on Timber Engineering. (pp. 2626-2634). Vienna University of Technology. ISBN 978-3-903024-35-9 http://repositum.tuwien.ac.at/obvutwoa/download/pdf/1528439?originalFilename=true
Rivas Pérez I.M., Paradelo Núñez, R., Nóvoa Muñoz J.C., Arias Estévez, M., Fernández Sanjurjo, M.J., Álvarez Rodríguez, E., Núñez Delgado, A. 2016. Biosorption of Cr(VI) and As(V) at high concentrations by organic and inorganic wastes (Oral). EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna (Austria), 17-22/04/2016
En: 2016. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-16202. eISSN 1607-7962 http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2016/EGU2016-16202.pdf
Rojo-Alboreca, A., Álvarez-González, J.G., Diéguez-Aranda, U., Rodríguez-Soalleiro, R.J. 2016. 20 years developing models and tools for forest growth and yield in a sustainability context in Galicia (Spain). (Oral) I International Conference on Research for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions. Bragança (Portugal), 5-7/10/16
In: I International Conference on Research for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions. Book of Abstracts. Editors Centro de Investigação de Montanha (CIMO). Published by Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. Sy18O01, pág. 125. ISBN: 978‐972‐745‐214‐9. URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10198/12135
Santin, C., Doerr, S.H., Merino, A. 2016. Chemical recalcitrance of biochar and wildfire charcoal: how similar are they? (PICO). EGU General Assembly 2016. Vienna (Austria), 17-22/04/2016
En: 2016. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-6698-1. eISSN 1607-7962 http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2016/EGU2016-6698-1.pdf
Soilán, A., Touza, M., Arriaga, F., Guaita, M. 2016. Bending stiffness increasing of existing pitch pine beams by means of LVL reinforcement. (Poster) World Conference on Timber Engineering WCTE 2016. Vienna (Austria), 22-25/08/16
In: J. Eberhardsteiner, W. Winter, A. Fadai, & M. Pöll (Eds.), WCTE 2016 -World Conference on Timber Engineering. (pp. 1643-1649). Vienna University of Technology. ISBN 978-3-903024-35-9 http://repositum.tuwien.ac.at/obvutwoa/download/pdf/1528439?originalFilename=true
Valbuena-Castro, J., Oliveira, N., Cañellas, I., Sixto, H., Rodríguez-Soalleiro, R. 2016. Biomass estimation models and allometry changes in a short-rotation coppice poplar plantation in the North of Spain. (Oral) 25th Session International Poplar Commission “Poplars and other fast-growing trees-renewable resources for future green economies”. Berlin (Germany), 13-16/09/16
Valbuena-Castro, J., Oliveira, N., Rodríguez-Soalleiro, R., Sixto, H., Cañellas, I. 2016. Assessment of biomass productivity and effect of planting density in a short-rotation coppice poplar plantation in the North of Spain. (Poster) 25th Session International Poplar Commission “Poplars and other fast-growing trees-renewable resources for future green economies”. Berlin (Germany), 13-16/09/16
Load carrying capacity of halved and tabled tenoned timber scarf joint
Papers published in Research Journals included in the JCR or SJRAira, J.R., Íñiguez-González, G., Guaita, M., Arriaga, F. 2016. Load carrying capacity of halved and tabled tenoned timber scarf joint. Materials and Structures 49 (12): 5343-5355. DOI: 10.1617/s11527-016-0864-y
JCR I.I.: Construction & building technology R 12/61 (Q1); IF 2,607
Foto-Guía de combustibles forestales de Galicia
Books and book chaptersArellano, S., Vega, J.A., Ruiz, A.D., Arellano, A., Álvarez, J.G., Vega, D.J., Pérez, E. 2016. Foto-Guía de combustibles forestales de Galicia. Versión I. Andavira Editora, S.L., Santiago de Compostela, 1ª edición, 224 pp. ISBN: 978-84-8408-924-7. Depósito legal: C 1070-2016
Analysis of edaphic and ecophysiological parameters in relation to nutrient levels and growth of Pinus pinaster in acidic soils
Doctoral thesisAut.: Eimil Fraga, Cristina
Tit.: Analysis of edaphic and ecophysiological parameters in relation to nutrient levels and growth of Pinus pinaster in acidic soils
Def: 28/06/2016
Int. men.: no
Univ.: University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Dir.: Rodríguez Soalleiro, Roque (USC); Sánchez Rodríguez, Federico (USC); Álvarez Rodríguez, Esperanza (USC)
Award: The Spanish Society for Soil Science (SECS) University Award by 2017. First prize for the best Doctoral Thesis
Call: 2017
Awarded by: The Spanish Society for Soil Science
Award: Extraordinary Award for Doctoral Thesis
Call: 2014/2015
Awarded by: Higher Polytechnic School, University of Santiago de Compostela
Estimación de la biomasa aérea forestal a nivel rodal mediante sensores remotos pasivos en el Estado de Durango
Doctoral thesisAut.: López Serrano, Pablito Marcelo
Tit.: Estimation of aboveground forest biomass at stand level using passive remote sensing in the state of Durango
Def.: 22/08/16
Int. men.: no
Univ.: University Juárez of Durango State (Mexico)
Dir.: López Sánchez, Carlos Antonio (UJED); Álvarez González, Juan Gabriel (USC)
Award: Durango 2016 Award for a Doctoral Thesis in the area of “Environment and natural resources"
Call: 2016
Awarded by: Government of Durango State, Science and Technology Council of Durango State, Secretary of Education of Durango State
Accuracy assessment of LiDAR-derived digital elevation models in a rural landscape with complex terrain
Papers published in Research Journals included in the JCR or SJRBarreiro-Fernández, L., Buján, S., Miranda, D., Diéguez-Aranda, U., González-Ferreiro, E. 2016. Accuracy assessment of LiDAR-derived digital elevation models in a rural landscape with complex terrain. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 10(1):016014. DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.10.016014
I.I.: Imaging science & photographic technology R 18/26 (Q3); IF 1,107
Factors influencing the calorespirometric ratios of soil microbial metabolism.
Papers published in Research Journals included in the JCR or SJRBarros, N., Hansen, L.D., Piñeiro, V., Pérez-Cruzado, C., Villanueva, M., Proupín, J., Rodríguez-Añón, J.A. 2016. Factors influencing the calorespirometric ratios of soil microbial metabolism. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 92: 221-229. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.10.007
JCR I.I.: Soil science R 2/34 (Q1); IF 4,857
Variations in soil carbon sequestration and their determinants along a precipitation gradient in seasonally dry tropical forest ecosystems
Papers published in Research Journals included in the JCR or SJRCampo, J., Merino, A. 2016. Variations in soil carbon sequestration and their determinants along a precipitation gradient in seasonally dry tropical forest ecosystems. Global Change Biology 22(5): 1942–1956. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13244
JCR I.I.: Biodiversity conservation R 1/53 (Q1); IF 8,502