Software. Property rights. Patents


Software. Property rights. Patents

Title: CUBIPRO Web application for merchantable volume estimation of forest stands
Authors: Diéguez Aranda, U., González González, J.M. 
Registered software
Owner: University of Santiago de Compostela
Registration number: 03/2020/1180
Application number: SC-224-2020
Date of presentation and effects: 7/07/2020


Software. Property rights. Patents

Title: INVFOR Web application for data processing of forest inventories by complete enumeration and/or statistical sampling
Authors: Diéguez Aranda, U., González González, J.M. 
Registered software
Owner: University of Santiago de Compostela
Registration number: 03/2020/1181
Application number: SC-225-2020
Date of presentation and effects: 7/07/2020


Software. Property rights. Patents

Title: SIMFOR Web application to simulate management prescriptions for single-species, even-aged stands
Authors: Diéguez Aranda, U., González González, J.M. 
Registered software
Owner: University of Santiago de Compostela
Registration number: 03/2020/1179
Application number: SC-223-2020
Date of presentation and effects: 7/07/2020

Device for testing bending stress relaxation for curved samples of constant diameter

Software. Property rights. Patents

Title: Device for testing bending stress relaxation for curved samples of constant diameter
Inventors: Lara Bocanegra, A.J., Majano Majano, M.A., Crespo Outes, J., Guaita Fernández, M.

Patent Owner: University of Santiago de Compostela (75%), Technical University of Madrid (25%)
Patent number: ES 2649543

Application number: P 201730481
Date of presentation: 30/03/2017
Date of concession: 9/05/2018
Date of publication: 17/05/2018

WIPO patentscope link


Software. Property rights. Patents

Title: EucaTool: software for calculating stand growth and production in Eucalyptus globulus plantations in Galicia
Authors: Rojo Alboreca, A., García Villabrille, J.D., Pérez Rodríguez, F.,

Registered software
Owner: University of Santiago de Compostela
Registration number: 03/2015/788
Application number: SC-191-2015
Date of presentation and effects: 22/05/2015


Method and device for measuring the volume of objects made of hygroscopic materials with a complex geometry, by means of a pneumatic system

Software. Property rights. Patents

Title: Method and device for measuring the volume of objects made of hygroscopic materials with a complex geometry, by means of a pneumatic system
Inventors: Pérez Cruzado, C., Rojo Alboreca, A., Rodríguez Soalleiro, R.

Patent Owner: University of Santiago de Compostela
National Patent number: ES2439594B2
National application number: P201230971
National date of presentation: 21/06/2012
National date of concession: 26/08/2015
National date of publication: 02/09/2015
WIPO patentscope link

International application number: PCT/ES2013/070405
International publication number: WO/2014/057150
International date of publication: 17/04/2014
WIPO patentscope link

Compost apto como fertilizante o substrato para vegetales y procedimiento de obtención

Software. Property rights. Patents

Título: Procedure for producing compost suitable as fertilizer or plant growth substrate
Inventors: Estévez Schwarz, Iris; Seoane Labandeira, S.; Nuñez Delgado, A.

Patent Owner: University of Santiago de Compostela
Patent number: ES 2362773
WIPO patentscope link:
Application number: P 200930342
Date of presentation: 23/06/2009
Date of publication: 13/07/2011

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