
Ejecución de trabajos técnicos relativos a la ejecución de aprovechamientos forestales de claras en 4-5 lotes de madera, de 4 a 5 ha cada uno, localizados en formaciones de robledales, abedulares, rebollares y castaño

Research contracts supported by public funding

Cod., tit.: Technical work related to thinning treatments in 4-5 timber plots, each of 4-5 ha, in oak, beech, Pyrenen oak and chestnut forests (2023-CP145)
Fin.: XERA- Galician Agency for the Forest Industry (Galician Regional Government)
Part.: EPSE (USC)
Dur: 14/03/2023-31/12/2023
I.P.: Rodríguez Soalleiro, R.


Software. Property rights. Patents

Title: SIMFOR Web application to simulate management prescriptions for single-species, even-aged stands
Authors: Diéguez Aranda, U., González González, J.M. 
Registered software
Owner: University of Santiago de Compostela
Registration number: 03/2020/1179
Application number: SC-223-2020
Date of presentation and effects: 7/07/2020


Research contracts supported by public funding

Cod., tit.: 2016-CE027, Innovative business model supported by and adapted to the ownership structure and competitiveness of Galician Societies for Forest Development (SOFOR)
Fin.: CERNA Ingeniería y Asesoría Medioambiental, S.L.P. (contract supported by CONECTA PEME 2016 IN852A 2016/107 SOFOR 4.0 project)
Part.: SEISTAG INNOVACIÓN, S.L. (coord.), CERNA Ingeniería y Asesoría Medioambiental, S.L.P., FORESCULTURA, S.L.
Dur.: 18/10/2016-31/03/2021
A.: 50,000€
P.I.: Diéguez Aranda, U.

Informe sobre la densidad y estabilidad dimensional de la madera de nogal y cerezo procedentes de plantaciones jóvenes sometidas a silvicultura intensiva

Research contracts supported by public funding

Cod., tit.: 2012-CL005, Report on the density and dimensional stability of walnut and cherry wood from young plantations under intensive silviculture
Fin.: Fundación para o Fomento da Calidade Industrial e Desenvolvemento Tecnolóxico de Galicia (Galician Regional Government)
Part.: EPS (USC)
Dur.: 24/02/2012 –30/03/2012
A.: 2,015.54€
P.I.: Riesco Muñoz, G.

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