LiFOR v2
Research contracts supported by public fundingCod., tit.: 2007/CP292, LiFOR v2
Fin.: Center of the Forest Property of Catalonia
Part.: EPS (USC)
Dur.: 01/03/2007 - 31/10/2007
A.: 10,333.33€
P.I.: Diéguez Aranda, U.
Cod., tit.: 2007/CP292, LiFOR v2
Fin.: Center of the Forest Property of Catalonia
Part.: EPS (USC)
Dur.: 01/03/2007 - 31/10/2007
A.: 10,333.33€
P.I.: Diéguez Aranda, U.
Cod., tit.: 2003/CG419, Study of stand quality and risk of instability of Pinus pinaster plantations in Galicia. Defining criteria for the physiological structural quality of seedlings. I. Fieldwork.
Fin.: TRAGSA, Empresa de Transformación Agraria S.A. (contract supported by Galician Regional Government Project PGIDIT03RFO02E)
Part.: EPS (USC)
Dur.: 24/10/2003 - 31/12/2006
A.: 26,926.47€
P.I.: Rodríguez Soalleiro, R.
Cod., tit.: 2003/CG420, Study of stand quality and risk of instability of Pinus pinaster plantations in Galicia. Defining criteria for the physiological structural quality of seedlings. II. Analysis of soil and vege TRAGSA, Empresa de Transformación Agraria S.A. (contract supported by Galician Regional Government Project PGIDIT03RFO02E)
Part.: EPS (USC)
Dur.: 1/06/2003 - 31/12/2005
A.: 20,823.52€
P.I.: Merino García, A.
Act.: Course “Management of forest soils”
Org.: Neiker
L., d.: Derio, Vizcaya (Spain), December 2003
Particip., activ.: Merino García, A.; coordinator
Balboa, M., Álvarez, J.G., Rodríguez-Soalleiro, R., Merino, A. 2003. Aprovechamiento de la biomasa forestal producida por la cadena Monte-Industria. Parte II: Cuantificación e implicaciones ambientales. Revista CIS-Madera 10:27-37
Title: Method of recycling sludge from systems used to treat waste water and wood fly ash
Inventors: Nuñez Delgado, A., Quiroga Lago, F
Patent Owner: University of Santiago de Compostela
National patent number: ES2192144
WIPO patentscope link:
National application number: P200200443
National date of presentation: 22/02/2002
National date of publication: 16/09/2003
International application number: PCT/ES2003/000086
International publication number: WO/2003/070650
WIPO patentscope link:
International date of publication: 28/08/2003
Torres, G., Vázquez, H., Álvarez P., Rodríguez-Soalleiro, R., Merino, A. 2005. Valoración do crecemento e do estado nutricional en repoboacións recentes de castiñeiro en Galicia. O Monte 44: 5-7
Cod., tit.: 2001/CE261, Forest biomass exploitation in Galician forest-industry cycle
Fin.: Fundación para o Fomento da Calidade Industrial e Desenvolvemento (Galician Regional Government)
Part.: EPS (USC)
Dur.: 29/05/2001 - 29/05/2003
A.: 34.922,13€
P.I.: Álvarez González, J.G., Merino García, A.