Estudio de la calidad de la masa y riesgo de la inestabilidad de las plantaciones forestales gallegas de Pinus pinaster

Research contracts supported by public funding

Cod., tit.: 2003/CG419, Study of stand quality and risk of instability of Pinus pinaster plantations in Galicia. Defining criteria for the physiological structural quality of seedlings. I. Fieldwork.
Fin.: TRAGSA, Empresa de Transformación Agraria S.A. (contract supported by Galician Regional Government Project PGIDIT03RFO02E)
Part.: EPS (USC)
Dur.: 24/10/2003 - 31/12/2006
A.: 26,926.47€
P.I.: Rodríguez Soalleiro, R.

Cod., tit.: 2003/CG420, Study of stand quality and risk of instability of Pinus pinaster plantations in Galicia. Defining criteria for the physiological structural quality of seedlings. II. Analysis of soil and vege TRAGSA, Empresa de Transformación Agraria S.A. (contract supported by Galician Regional Government Project PGIDIT03RFO02E)
Part.: EPS (USC)
Dur.: 1/06/2003 - 31/12/2005
A.: 20,823.52€
P.I.: Merino García, A.

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