Bloque I: La madera en Galicia. Certificaciones de productos
Organization of technology transfer and dissemination activitiesAct.: Block I: Wood in Galicia. Product certification (4 speakers and a panel discussion)
Ev.: 1st webinar LIFE EcoTimberCell
Org.: PEMADE, LIFE EcoTimberCell project
L., d.: Online, 19/05/2021
Part., act.: Jiménez Urquía, B.; Guaita Fernández, M., organizers
Bloque I: La madera en Galicia. El sector forestal de Galicia 1 y 2
Organization of technology transfer and dissemination activitiesAct.: Block I: Wood in Galicia. The Galician forest sector (4 speakers and a panel discussion)
Ev.: 1st webinar LIFE EcoTimberCell
Org.: PEMADE, LIFE EcoTimberCell project
L., d.: Online, 5/05/2021
Part., act.: Jiménez Urquía, B.; Guaita Fernández, M., organizers
Act.: Block I: Wood in Galicia. The Galician forest sector (3 speakers and a panel discussion)
Even.: 1st LIFE EcoTimberCell webinar
Org.: PEMADE, LIFE EcoTimberCell project
L., d.: Online, 12/05/2021
Part., act.: Jiménez Urquía, B.; Guaita Fernández, M., organizers
More information (in Spanish)
Bloque I: La madera en Galicia. Impulso de la madera en Galicia 1, 2 y 3
Organization of technology transfer and dissemination activitiesAct.: Block I: Wood in Galicia. A boost for wood in Galicia (2 speakers and a panel discussion)
Even.: 1st LIFE EcoTimberCell webinar
Org.: PEMADE, LIFE EcoTimberCell project
L., d.: online, 23/06/2021
Part., act.: Jiménez Urquía, B.; Guaita Fernández, M., organizers
Act.: Block I: Wood in Galicia. A boost for wood in Galicia (3 speakers and a panel discussion)
Even.: 1st LIFE EcoTimberCell webinar
Org.: PEMADE, LIFE EcoTimberCell project
L., d.: online, 16/06/2021
Part., act.: Jiménez Urquía, B.; Guaita Fernández, M., organizers
Act.: Block I: Wood in Galicia. A boost for wood in Galicia (2 speakers and a panel discussion)
Even.: 1st LIFE EcoTimberCell webinar
Org.: PEMADE, LIFE EcoTimberCell project
L., d.: online, 9/06/2021
Part., act.: Jiménez Urquía, B.; Guaita Fernández, M., organizers
Bloque I: La madera en Galicia. Caracterización de la madera estructural 1 y 2
Organization of technology transfer and dissemination activitiesAct.: Block I: Wood in Galicia. Characterization of structural wood (3 speakers and a panel discussion)
Even.: 1st LIFE EcoTimberCell webinar
Org.: PEMADE, LIFE EcoTimberCell project
L., d.: online, 2/06/2021
Part., act.: Jiménez Urquía, B.; Guaita Fernández, M., organizers
Act.: Block I: Wood in Galicia. Characterization of structural wood (3 speakers and a panel discussion)
Even.: 1st LIFE EcoTimberCell webinar
Org.: PEMADE, LIFE EcoTimberCell project
L., d.: online, 26/05/2021
Part., act.: Jiménez Urquía, B.; Guaita Fernández, M., organizers
Conclusions (in Spanish)
Bloque II: Madera y mitigación del cambio climático
Organization of technology transfer and dissemination activitiesAct.: Block II: Wood and climate change mitigation (4 speakers and a panel discussion)
Even.: 1st LIFE EcoTimberCell webinar
Org.: PEMADE, LIFE EcoTimberCell project
L., d.: online, 27/10/2021
Part., act.: Jiménez Urquía, B.; Guaita Fernández, M., organizers
Act.: Block II: Wood and climate change mitigation (3 speakers and a panel discussion)
Even.: 1st LIFE EcoTimberCell webinar
Org.: PEMADE, LIFE EcoTimberCell project
L., d.: online, 13/10/2021
Part., act.: Jiménez Urquía, B.; Guaita Fernández, M., organizers
Certificación FSC®: gestión forestal, cadena de custodia, proyectos con productos forestales y servicios del ecosistema
Organization of technology transfer and dissemination activitiesAct.: Conferences cycle: “FSC® certification: forest management, chain of custody, projects with forest products and ecosystem services”
Org.: UXAFORES (USC), FSC-Spain, Provincial Council of Lugo, Vice-chancellor’s office for Coordination of the Campus of Lugo
L., d.: EPSE, Lugo (Spain), 24-25/11/2021
Part., act.: Rojo Alboreca, A., organizer
Workshop sobre Teledetección Próxima Terrestre para Aplicaciones Forestales
Organization of technology transfer and dissemination activities First announcement (18/06/21)Act.: Workshop on Terrestrial Proximal Sensing for Forest Applications
Org.: PROEPLA, UXAFORES research groups (USC-EPSE)
L., d.: Lugo (Spain), 1-3/09/2021
Organizing committee: Martínez Calvo, A. (UXAFORES, USC); Pérez Cruzado, C. (PROEPLA, USC); Lombardero Barrero, D. (UXAFORES, USC); González Ferreiro, E.M. (University of León); Rodríguez Ruiz, J. (UXAFORES, USC); Molina Valero, J.A. (UXAFORES, USC); López Fernández, M. (UXAFORES, USC); López Álvarez, O. (PROEPLA, USC); Rodríguez Gonzálvez, P. (University of León); Pérez Antelo, A. (UXAFORES, USC)
Book of abstracts: Molina Valero, J.A., Rodríguez Ruiz, J., Pérez Cruzado, C., Martínez Calvo, A. 2022. Actas del Workshop sobre Teledetección Próxima Terrestre para Aplicaciones Forestales. Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ingeniería, USC. Lugo, 2021. ISBN: 978-84-09-37465-6. Depósito Legal: C 17-2022 http://hdl.handle.net/10347/27511
Scientific committee: Martínez Calvo, A. (UXAFORES, USC); Cabo Gómez, C. (Swansea University, UK); Pérez Cruzado, C. (PROEPLA, USC); González Ferreiro, E.M. (University of León); Montes Pita, F. (INIA-CSIC); Molina Valero, J.A. (UXAFORES, USC); Álvarez González, J.G. (UXAFORES, USC); Rodríguez Gonzálvez, P. (University of León); Manso González, R. (Forestry Commision Research Agency, UK)
III edición Concurso de Ecodeseño Conama 2020
Awards for knowledge transfer activitiesAward: 3rd edition of the Ecodesign competition Conama 2020
Call: 2021
Awarded by: the Conama (National Congress of the Environment) Fundation
Award-winner: Plataforma de Ingeniería de Madera (PEMADE)
Award-winning activity: LIFE EcoTimberCell
I Certamen de Materiales Innovadores de Galicia. Modalidad Investigación
Awards for knowledge transfer activitiesAward: I Contest of Innovative Materials of Galicia. Modality Research Finalist
Call: 2021
Awarded by: Galician Innovation Agency-GAIN (Xunta de Galicia)
Award-winner: Plataforma de Ingeniería de Madera (PEMADE)
Award-winning activity: Ecotimbercell lightened timber beam (ecological cellular structural systems of wood and derivatives)