Bloque II: Madera y mitigación del cambio climático
Organization of technology transfer and dissemination activitiesAct.: Block II: Wood and climate change mitigation (4 speakers and a panel discussion)
Even.: 1st LIFE EcoTimberCell webinar
Org.: PEMADE, LIFE EcoTimberCell project
L., d.: online, 27/10/2021
Part., act.: Jiménez Urquía, B.; Guaita Fernández, M., organizers
Act.: Block II: Wood and climate change mitigation (3 speakers and a panel discussion)
Even.: 1st LIFE EcoTimberCell webinar
Org.: PEMADE, LIFE EcoTimberCell project
L., d.: online, 13/10/2021
Part., act.: Jiménez Urquía, B.; Guaita Fernández, M., organizers