Upcoming dissemination activities

Two activities involving participation with UXAFORES will be held in the coming months: an educational course on forest fire management; and the FSC Spain General Assembly.

The practical international workshop on educational innovation regarding forest fires “Education for living with fire” is organized within the ERAMUS+ FacingFIRE Project, coordinated by the USC. Participants include the "Lucus Augusti" High School and centres in Portugal (University of Aveiro, Forestis – Forest Association of Portugal), Greece (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, DEMETER - Hellenic Agricultural Organization) and Italy (University Degli Studi Di Firenze, Tuscany). The event is coordinated by UXAFORES members Pablo Souza and Agustín Merino (coordinator of the related Erasmus+ project) and will be held in Santiago de Compostela between 12 and 14 July.

Registration begins in March, and anyone planning to attend can complete a brief survey and find out more about the course on the FacingFIRE project website.

The General Assembly of FSC España will probably be held again in Lugo in 2023, as it was in 2019. The meeting will take place over two days in July and will include an open day, during which members of the public can obtain information about FSC certification and UXAFORES participation. More information will shortly be available, here and on the FSC website.

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