Research contracts supported by public funding

Realización de ensayos de caracterización y determinación de las constantes elásticas a través de la medida de la velocidad de propagación de ultrasonidos de castaño en Extremadura

Research contracts supported by public funding

Cod., tit.: 2015-CP117, Characterization tests and determination of elastic constants through measurement of the velocity of propagation of ultrasound in chestnut in Extremadura
Fin.: University of Extremadura
Part.: EPS (USC)
Dur.: 1/11/2015-01/06/2016
A.: 2,010.20€
P.I.: Guaita Fernández, M.


Research contracts supported by public funding

Cod., tit.: 2016-CE299, Value chain technification for the development of technical high-peformance eucalyptus wood products (XILOGRACILE)
Fin.: ASERPAL, S.A. (contracted via the Innterconecta FEDER project 2015 ITC-20151124 )
Part.: EPS (USC)
Dur.: 25/06/2016-31/12/2017
A.: 70,000€
P.I.: Guaita Fernández, M.

Cod., tit.: 2016-CE002, Technical adaptation of the value chain for the development of products of high technical demands with different species of wood (XILOGRACILE)
Fin.: Maderas Besteiro, S.L. (contract supported by FEDER Innterconecta 2015 ITC-20151124 project)
Part.: EPS (USC)
Dur.: 1/09/2015-01/01/2018
A.: 10,000€
P.I.: Guaita Fernández, M.

La gestión forestal frente a los cambios en la dinámica de los ecosistemas forestales: un enfoque multiescala

Research contracts supported by public funding

Cod., tit.: 2014-CP071, Forest management faces changes in forest ecosystems dynamics: A multiscale approach
Fin.: INIA Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (contract supported by AGL2013-46028-R project)
Part.: EPS (USC)
Dur: 12/06/2014-11/06/2017
A.: 10,000€
P.I.: Álvarez González, J.G.


Research contracts supported by public funding

Cod., tit.: 2013-CE275, Use of non-timber components in high technical performance systems (CAMBIUM)
Fin.: EXFOPINO, S.L. (contract supported by CONECTA PEME 2013 IN852A 2013/18 project)
Part.: USC
Dur.: 7/10/2013-30/06/2015
A.: 23,125€
P.I.: Guaita Fernández, M.

Cod., tit.: 2013-CE274, Use of non-timber components in high technical performance systems (CAMBIUM)
Fin.: Maderas Raña, S.L. (contract supported by CONECTA PEME 2013 IN852A 2013/18 project)
Part.: USC
Dur.: 7/10/2013-30/06/2015
A.: 20,500€
P.I.: Guaita Fernández, M.

Cod., tit.: 2013-CE273, Use of non-timber components in high technical performance systems (CAMBIUM)
Fin.: Hermanos García Rocha, S.L. (contract supported by CONECTA PEME 2013 IN852A 2013/18 project)
Part.: USC
Dur.: 7/10/2013-30/06/2015
A.: 49.333,32€
P.I.: Guaita Fernández, M.

Cod., tit.: 2013-CE272, Use of non-timber components in high technical performance systems (CAMBIUM)
Fin.: Laminados Villapol, S.A. (contract supported by CONECTA PEME 2013 IN852A 2013/18 project)
Part.: USC
Dur.: 7/10/2013-30/06/2015
A.: 34,124.99€
P.I.: Guaita Fernández, M.

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