Research agreements with the Regional Government of Galicia beginning or continuing in 2023.
An agreement has been signed to extend the Continuous Forestry Inventory in Galicia, and another agreement has been reached in relation to studying chestnut timber.
The agreement between the universities of Santiago de Compostela and Vigo and the Regional Government of Galicia, in which several UXAFORES researchers participate, will now continue until 2024, thus enabling further development of the Continuous Forestry Inventory in Galicia (IFCG).
The objective of the inventory is obtaining up-to-date and accurate estimates of the timber stock, the species present and the timber quality in Galician forest stands. The main characteristics of this inventory are its permanence and methodological accuracy in the planning stage.
Also regarding the IFCG, a website developed with the Agency for the Technological Modernization of Galicia (AMTEGA) is now available. Information about the inventory can be found in the website, with an information viewer and a download point. Consultations with the corresponding administrative departments can also be made via the website.
The Regional Government of Galicia has signed a new agreement -via the Galician Agency for Forestry Industry (XERA) – to continue the collaboration with the Structural Wood Platform (PEMADE) for the period 2023-2025. XERA will invest almost three thousand euros in the project. Several collaborative lines of study involving chestnut wood as a building material will be developed as part of this agreement. Further information about timber with high humidity content will be provided in relation to evaluating use of this type of material for building purposes. Use of chestnut timber in timber-concrete composite will be promoted. This will reduce the amount of concrete used, thereby fulfilling the building regulations and contributing to decarbonizing the building sector.
In addition, the use of wood in the construction industry will continue to be promoted, thereby driving the use of local products and transfer of the research findings to the building sector.