Presentation of the EIXO mixed research unit
Public presentation of PEMADE-USC-FINSA, the first mixed research unit (MRU) in the forestry area
A public presentation of the “EIXO” (AXIS) mixed research unit (MRU) was given during an event held at the Higher Polytechnic Engineering School in Lugo on 16 September. The presentation was attended by Montserrat Valcárcel, vice-rector for Coordination of the Campus of Lugo, Patricia Argerey, director of the Galician Innovation Agency (Gain), Javier Portela, representing Finsa, and the director of PEMADE D., Manuel Guaita.
MRUs represent strategic alliances between research organisations and companies for developing R+D+I (Research+Development+Innovation) by means of public-private collaboration. The projects must be aligned with the priorities and challenges included in the Galician Intelligent Specialization Strategy (RIS3 Galicia).
The reasons why the unit was formed and its goals in relation to the circular economy and increased competitivity of the forestry sector were explained at the presentation. The fact that this is the first unit in the forestry area was emphasized.
EIXO website:
![by EIXO](/static/media/image/s-23651-20191113144147.jpg)