News in brief: spring 2022

The LIFE EcoTimberCell project launches the spin-off TimberSoul, by Cándido Hermida. The new company will promote local certified wood by commercialising EcoTimberCell (ETC) products.

UXAFORES members will take part in the scientific-technical workshops: Silviculture and Management of parasol pine forests and other Mediterranean pine forests

The LIFE EcoTimberCell project has developed various ETC structural products (e.g. beams and frames) that can replace traditional building materials (e.g. steel and cement) used in construction. This method developed by PEMADE reduces CO2 emissions, increases the energy efficiency of buildings and boosts demand for wood from sustainably managed forests.

The TimberSoul spin-off by Cándido Hermida will utilize the ETC products and promote wood as an ecological alternative, connecting building professionals with forestry industry experts in wood construction to improve the sustainability of the construction sector.

This approach will boost demand for certified local wood, which will, in turn, enhance sustainable forest management and create green jobs.

For more information, see

The workshops on Silviculture and Management of parasol pine forests and other Mediterranean pine forests will held at the University of Huelva (31 March and 1 April) and Doñana Natural Park and Almonte pine forests (2 April). The results of the research project “Andalusian pine forests as carbon sinks: quantification, modelling and forest management from a historic perspective (PinCaR project UHU-1266324)”, cofunded by ERDF and Andalusian Regional Government, will be presented. This project is codirected by UXAFORES collaborator PhD Andrea Hevia and counts on the participation of some researchers from the group, who will also participate in the workshops.

Face to face workshops will take place at the above venues, if permitted under current restrictions, and will consist of presentations by invited speakers and guided technical visits. Prior inscription is required as capacity is limited.

More information is provided on the workshop website

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