Presentation of the EucaTool app at an international modelling congress

Presentation of EucaTool at the ISEM2019 congress in Austria in October.

EucaTool® 1.1 was presented at The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2019 (ISEM2019) held in Salzburg (Austria) between 1 and 5 October, 2019 and organized by Elsevier. EucaTool® is a free software cloud application[CHF1] , which allows estimation of the growth and production of first rotation clonal and seedling (non-clonal) blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) plantations in Galicia (NW Spain). Originally developed in Spanish, version 1.1 of EucaTool® includes updates at performance level and has also been translated into English and Galician.

The software has been updated by föra forest technologies, a frequent collaborator of UXAFORES.

EucaTool website:


Presentation of the EucaTool app at an international modelling congress

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