Doctoral thesis

Remoção de metais de águas utilizando biossorventes de castanha de caju, caroço de açaí e castanha do Brasil modificados químicamente

Doctoral thesis

Aut.: Coelho, Gustavo Ferreira

Tit.: Remoção de metais de águas utilizando biossorventes de castanha de caju, caroço de açaí e castanha do Brasil modificados químicamente (Removal of metals from water using biosorbents produced from chemically modified cashew nut, acaí stones and Brazil nut)

Def.: 9/12/2016
Int. men.: no
Univ.: State University of West Paraná (Brazil)
Dir.: Gonçalves Júnior, Affonso Celso; Teixeira Tarley, César Ricardo; Benetoli da Silva, Tiago Roque; Álvarez Rodríguez, Esperanza (USC

Analysis of edaphic and ecophysiological parameters in relation to nutrient levels and growth of Pinus pinaster in acidic soils

Doctoral thesis

Aut.: Eimil Fraga, Cristina

Tit.: Analysis of edaphic and ecophysiological parameters in relation to nutrient levels and growth of Pinus pinaster in acidic soils

Def: 28/06/2016
Int. men.: no
Univ.: University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Dir.: Rodríguez Soalleiro, Roque (USC); Sánchez Rodríguez, Federico (USC); Álvarez Rodríguez, Esperanza (USC)

Award: The Spanish Society for Soil Science (SECS) University Award by 2017. First prize for the best Doctoral Thesis
Call: 2017
Awarded by: The Spanish Society for Soil Science

Award: Extraordinary Award for Doctoral Thesis
Call: 2014/2015
Awarded by: Higher Polytechnic School, University of Santiago de Compostela

Estimación de la biomasa aérea forestal a nivel rodal mediante sensores remotos pasivos en el Estado de Durango

Doctoral thesis

Aut.: López Serrano, Pablito Marcelo

Tit.: Estimation of aboveground forest biomass at stand level using passive remote sensing in the state of Durango

Def.: 22/08/16
Int. men.: no
Univ.: University Juárez of Durango State (Mexico)
Dir.: López Sánchez, Carlos Antonio (UJED); Álvarez González, Juan Gabriel (USC)

Award: Durango 2016 Award for a Doctoral Thesis in the area of “Environment and natural resources"
Call: 2016
Awarded by: Government of Durango State, Science and Technology Council of Durango State, Secretary of Education of Durango State

Modelización del crecimiento y la producción de plantaciones de Eucalyptus globulus Labill. en el Noroeste de España

Doctoral thesis

Aut.: García Villabrille, Juan Daniel

Tit.: Modelling growth and production of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. plantations in north-western Spain

Def: 14/10/2015
Int. men.: yes
Univ.: University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Dir.: Rojo Alboreca, Alberto (USC); Diéguez Aranda, Ulises (USC), Crecente Campo, Felipe (CERNA company)

Influencia de la poda en el desarrollo de masas de Pinus radiata D. Don. y Pinus pinaster Aiton. en Asturias

Doctoral thesis

Aut.: Hevia Cabal, Andrea

Tit.: Influence of pruning on development of even-aged Pinus radiata D. Don. and Pinus pinaster Aiton. stands in Asturias

Def.: 11/03/2013
Eur. men.: yes
Univ.: University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Dir.: Álvarez González, Juan Gabriel (USC); Majada Guijo, Juan P. (CETEMAS)

Award: Outstanding Doctoral Research Award (ODRA)
Call: 2018
Awarded by: International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)

Award: Extraordinary Award for Doctoral Thesis
Call: 2012/2013
Awarded by: Higher Polytechnic School, University of Santiago de Compostela

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