Doctoral thesis

Mecanismos de retención, transporte y degradación de antibióticos en suelos agrícolas

Doctoral thesis

Aut.: Conde Cid, Manuel
Tit.: Mechanisms of retention, transport and degradation of antibiotics in agricultural soils
Def.: 04/06/2021
Int. men.: yes
Univ.: University of Vigo (Spain)
Dir.: Arias Estévez, Manuel (UVigo); Álvarez Rodríguez, Esperanza (USC)

Award: Extraordinary Award for Doctoral Thesis
Call: 2020/2021
Awarded by: University of Vigo

Award: The Spanish Society for Soil Science (SECS) University Award by 2012. First prize for the best Doctoral Thesis
Call: 2012
Awarded by: The Spanish Society for Soil Science

Study of growth-environment relationships and optimisation of management including climatic uncertainty of radiata pine stands in Galicia

Doctoral thesis

Aut.: González Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel
Tit.: Study of growth-environment relationships and optimisation of management including climatic uncertainty of radiata pine stands in Galicia
Def.: 17/11/2021
Int. men.: yes
Univ.: University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Dir.: Crecente Campo, Felipe (CERNA S.L.), Diéguez Aranda, Ulises (USC)

Estériles piríticos de mina: Evaluación de distintas técnicas de restauración y estudio comparativo del potencial de adsorción de contaminantes

Doctoral thesis

Aut.: Rivas Pérez, Ivana M.ª
Tit.: Pyrite mine tailings: evaluation of different restoration techniques and comparative study of adsorption potential of polluters
Def.: 9/03/2021
Int. men.: no
Univ.: University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Dir.: Fernández Sanjurjo, María Josefa (USC); Monterroso Martinez, María del Carmen (USC), Álvarez Rodríguez, Esperanza (USC)

Biometry at individual tree and plot level in short rotation woody crops under Mediterranean conditions

Doctoral thesis

Aut.: de Oliveira Rodríguez, Nerea

Tit.: Biometry at individual tree and plot level in short rotation woody crops under Mediterranean conditions (Biometría a nivel de árbol individual y de parcela de cultivos forestales leñosos en rotación corta bajo condiciones mediterráneas)

Def.: 26/07/2019
Men. int.: yes
Dir.: Pérez Cruzado, César (USC); Rodríguez Soalleiro, Roque (USC); Sixto Blanco, Hortensia (INIA

Effect of long-term liming and organic fertilization on aluminium compounds changes in acid soil

Doctoral thesis

Aut.: Kryzevicius, Zilvinas
Tit.: Effect of long-term liming and organic fertilization on aluminium compounds changes in acid soil
Def.: 13/12/2019
Men. int.: no
Univ.: Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
Dir.: Karcauskiené, Danuté (LAMMC); Zukauskaité, Audroné (LAMMC); Álvarez Rodríguez, Esperanza (USC)

Aspectos ecológicos y silvoculturales de palo blanco (Roseodendron donnell-smithii (Rose) Miranda), especie de madera valiosa nativa de Mesoamérica

Doctoral thesis

Aut.: Méndez Paiz, Boris Augusto
Tit.: Ecological and silvicultural aspects of white mahogany (Roseodendron donnell-smithii (Rose) Miranda), a native Mesoamerican species producing high value wood
Def.: 5/11/2019
Men. int.: no
Univ.: University San Carlos of Guatemala (Guatemala)
Dir.: Martínez Arévalo, José Vicente (USAC), Merino García, Agustín (UXAFORES)

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