Doctoral thesis

Estimación de biomasa y características estructurales del combustible en comunidades de matorral desarbolado y pinares en Galicia a partir de escáner láser terrestre, láser aéreo e inventario de campo

Doctoral thesis

Aut.: Alonso Rego, Cecilia
Tit.: Estimating biomass and fuel load structural characteristics in treeless shrub communities and pine stands in Galicia by using terrestrial laser scanning, aerial laser scanning and forest inventory
Def.: 20/09/2023
Int. men.: yes
Univ.: University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Dir.: Ruiz González, Ana Daría (USC); Diaz Varela, Ramón Alberto (USC)

Evaluación del potencial de las plantaciones de chopo de turno corto para una bioeconomía baja en carbono: modelización de biomasa lignocelulósica sostenible y reservas de carbono en condiciones de limitación de agua

Doctoral thesis

Aut.: Fuertes Sánchez, Alicia
Tit.: Assessing the potential of short-rotation poplar plantations for a low-carbon bioeconomy: modelling sustainable lignocellulosic biomass and carbon stocks under water-limited conditions
Def.: 7/11/2023
Int. men.: yes
Univ.: University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Dir.: Oliveira Rodríguez, Nerea de (INIA-CSIC), Rodríguez Soalleiro, Roque (USC), Sixto Blanco, Hortensia (INIA-CIFOR)

Award: The Spanish Society of Forest Sciences (SECF) University Award. Prize for the best Forestry PhD Thesis
Call: 2023
Awarded by: The Spanish Society of Forest Sciences

The unnoticed effect of biological invasions. Structural changes in mycorrhizal communities of Atlantic ecosystems and consequences for native plant development

Doctoral thesis

Aut.: Guisande Collazo, Alejandra
Tit.: The unnoticed effect of biological invasions. Structural changes in mycorrhizal communities of Atlantic ecosystems and consequences for native plant development)
Def.: 7/04/2022
Int. Men.: yes
Univ.: University of Vigo (Spain)
Dir.: González, Luis (UniVigo), Souza Alonso, Pablo (USC)

Láminas reticulares de madera deformadas elásticamente. Del material a la construcción

Doctoral thesis

Aut.: Lara Bocanegra, Antonio José
Tit.: Elastic timber gridshell. From material to construction
Def.: 13/06/2022
Int. Men.: yes
Univ.: Technical University of Madrid (Spain)
Dir.: Guaita Fernández, Manuel (USC), Arriaga Martitegui, Francisco (UPM)

Award: Second prize in the Environmental Sciences category of “the Margarita Salas” Research Awards 2022
Call: 2021
Awarded by: Madrid City Council

Award: Enrique Fuentes Quintana Award. Category of Engineering, Mathematics, Physics and Architecture
Call: 2021-2022
Awarded by: FUNCAS

Modelling forest stand maturity from National Forest Inventory and Terrestrial Laser Scanning data

Doctoral thesis

Aut.: Molina Valero, Juan Alberto
Tit.: Modelling forest stand maturity from National Forest Inventory and Terrestrial Laser Scanning data
Def.: 21/10/2022
Int. men.: yes
Univ.: University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Dir.: Álvarez González, Juan Gabriel (USC), Pérez Cruzado, César (USC)

Award: The Spanish Society of Forest Sciences (SECF) University Award by 2022. Prize for the best Forestry PhD Thesis
Call: 2022
Awarded by: The Spanish Society of Forest Sciences

Caracterización del combustible del dosel arbóreo mediante sensores remotos y evaluación del efecto de las claras sobre el comportamiento y severidad potenciales del fuego en pinares del NO de España

Doctoral thesis

Aut.: Arellano Pérez, Stéfano
Tit.: Characterization of tree canopy fuel by means of remote sensors and evaluation of the effect of clearings on the potential behaviour and severity of fire in pine forests in NW Spain
Def.: 28/01/2021
Int. men.: yes
Univ.: University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Dir.: Ruiz González, Ana Daría (USC); Vega Hidalgo, Jose Antonio (CIF Lourizán)

Award: The Spanish Society of Forest Sciences (SECF) University Award by 2021. Accessit prize for the best Forestry PhD Thesis
Call: 2021
Awarded by: The Spanish Society of Forest Sciences

Award: Extraordinary Award for Doctoral Thesis
Call: 2020/2021
Awarded by: University of Santiago de Compostela

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