Bioeconomía forestal y manejos del agua como revulsivo para la reactivación de las comarcas del noreste de Granada REVIERTE

Research projects

Cod., tit.: BF223, Forestry bioeconomy and water management as a revulsive for the reactivation of the northeastern regions of Granada (REVIERTE)
Fin.: Call for grants from the Biodiversity Foundation to support transformer projects for the promotion of the bioeconomy linked to the forestry sector and the contribution to the ecological transition within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR) funded by the European Union-NextGenerationEU for the financial year 2023. Fundación Biodiversidad, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (MITECO)
Part.: University of Granada, Pablo de Olavide University, USC, Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGME) -Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Association of Forest Owners of Eastern Andalusia for the Sustainable Development and Conservation of Biodiversity (FORET), Association for the Spanish Forest Certification (PEFC)
Dur.: 1/02/2024-31/12/2025
A.: 186,247.50€ (total 1,655,639.06€)
P.I.: Guaita Fernández, M.

Fundación Biodiversidad Web site

Revierte Web site

Bioeconomía forestal y manejos del agua como revulsivo para la reactivación de las comarcas del noreste de Granada REVIERTE

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