2008 International Meetings
Participation in congresses and scientific meetingsCorral-Rivas, J.J., Loera-Gallegos, H.M., Bretado-Velázquez, J., Díaz-Vázquez, A., Rojo-Alboreca, A. 2008. Determinación de la calidad de sitio de Agave durangensis en la Sierra de Registrillo, Municipio de Durango, México. I Congreso Internacional de Valorización Integral del Monte. Edición 2008: Aprovechamientos no maderables. Santiago de Compostela (España), 19-22/11/2008
Crecente-Campo, F., Lobelle-Vázquez, G., Rojo-Alboreca, A., Del Río-Gaztelurrutia, M., Diéguez-Aranda, U. 2008. A merchantable volume system for Scots pine in the major mountain ranges of Spain. IUFRO International Conference: Mountain Forests in a Changing World. Advances in research on sustainable management and the role of academic education. Vienna (Austria), 2-4/04/2008
In: Gratzer, G., Kempter, I (Eds.), Mountain Forests in a Changing World: Advances in Research on Sustainable Management and the Role of Academic Education, International Conference, April 2 -4, UNI BOKU, Vienna, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences. S 67
Lombardero, M.J, Vazquez-Mejuto, P., Ayres, M.P. 2008. Role of plant enemies on the forestry of native versus introduced Pines. (Oral) IUFRO division 7.03 Recent Advances in Forest Entomology. Pretoria (South Africa), 1-6/07/2008
Lombardero, M.J. 2008. Posible factors affecting bark beetle outbreaks alter forest fires. International Congress of Entomology. Durban (South Africa), 6-12/07/2008
Lombardero, M.J. 2008. Posible mechanisms of how forest fires facilitate bark beetle outbreaks. (Oral) International meeting of Entomological Research in Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems. Estoril (Portugal), 5-8/05/2008
Pardo, E., Rojo, A. 2008. La certificación FSC de los productos forestales no madereros. I Congreso Internacional de Valorización Integral del Monte. Edición 2008: Aprovechamientos no maderables. Santiago de Compostela (España), 19-22/11/2008
Pérez-Cruzado, C., Crecente, F., Rojo, A., Balboa, M.A., Álvarez-González, J.G., Diéguez-Aranda, U., Castedo, F., Barrio, M., Rodríguez-Soalleiro, R. 2008. Ecuaciones de estimación de biomasa arbórea de las principales especies forestales gallegas. Elaboración y uso. I Congreso Internacional de Valorización Integral del Monte. Edición 2008: Aprovechamientos no maderables. Santiago de Compostela (España), 19-22/11/2008
Riesco Muñoz, G. 2008. Creación de lagunas artificiales para la caza de aves acuáticas. I Congreso Internacional de Valorización Integral del Monte. Edición 2008: Aprovechamientos no maderables. Santiago de Compostela (España), 19-22/11/2008
Rodríguez Soalleiro, R. 2008. Elaboration of density management diagrams for Douglas fir plantations in mountain areas of northern Spain. (Oral) International conference: Mountain forest in a changing world. Viena (Austria), April 2nd-4th
In: Gratzer, G., Kempter, I (Eds.), Mountain Forests in a Changing World: Advances in Research on Sustainable Management and the Role of Academic Eduactation, International Conference, 2-4/04/2008, UNI BOKU, Vienna, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences. S 49
Rodríguez Soalleiro, R. 2008. The role of academic education in mountain forest management: a perspectiva from plantation forestry in southwestern Europe. (Oral) International conference: Mountain forest in a changing world. Vienna (Austria), 2-4/04/2008
In: Gratzer, G., Kempter, I (Eds.), Mountain Forests in a Changing World: Advances in Research on Sustainable Management and the Role of Academic Eduactation, International Conference, April 2 -4, UNI BOKU, Vienna, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences. S 49 - 50
Rojo, A., Crecente, R. 2008. La encuesta como técnica de investigación social y mecanismo para la participación de los propietarios en la gestión de sus tierras: El caso de los montes vecinales en mano común de Galicia. XII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos. Zaragoza, 9-11/07/2008
Soilán, A., Guaita, M., Arriaga, F., Hermoso, E., Eiras, A. 2008. Analysis of stress-strain state of dovetail joints between floor joists and beams. 10th World Conference on Timber Engineering WCTE. Japan, 2-5/06/2008
Villar, J.R., Guaita, M., Vidal, P. 2008. Application of numerical methods to the analysis of the stress state and the geometric optimization of traditional joints in timber structures. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering AGENG 2008. Greece, 23-25/06/2008