UXAFORES is made up of a group of researchers dedicated to improving knowledge in the environment and, especially, in forestry.
In this last work on a wide range of topics related to trees and forest masses, studying their management, their growth and production, the risks to which they are sometimes (fires, pests), the soils that sustain them and the products endings that are needed for its use.
In the field of the environment, we work on the identification of different pollutants and on the proposal of measures to retain them and prevent their entry into the food chain through the use of waste / by-products that could act as adsorbents. Work is also being done on the restoration of degraded spaces, mainly due to mining activities.
Forest planning and management
Principal researchers: Álvarez González, J.G., Diéguez Aranda, U., Riesco Muñoz, G., Rodríguez Soalleiro, R., Rojo Alboreca, A.
- Modelling forest growth and productivity: tree and site models, site quality, stem profile equations and volume equations for product classification, biomass, carbon fixation and competition etc.
- Inventory and monitoring of forest resources: aerial and terrestrial LiDAR, satellites, UAV and field inventories.
- Optimization and decision-making by multi-criteria analysis at site and forest level: linear, raw and mixed programming, heuristic techniques, differentiable methods, AHP and others.
- Silviculture: high growth Atlantic species, energy plantations and continuous cover forestry methods.
- Other uses of forests: mycological production.
- Forest management: protective zones and protected sites, small scale property and joint forest management groups.
- Forest certification: environmental, social and economic impacts.
- Development of computer programs to help in inventory and decision-making in forest management planning.
Properties and applications of timber
Principal researchers: Guaita Fernández, M., Riesco Muñoz, G.
- Effects of silviculture and forest site on timber quality.
- Physical characterization of clonal forestry plantations.
- Influence of pathogenic fungi on wood properties.
- Numerical simulation by finite elements of the resistance of timber destined for construction purposes.
- Optimization and calculation of timber structures and joints.
- Mechanical characterization of timber for structural purposes.
- Application of non-destructive techniques for the evaluation of structural timber.
- Study of the behaviour of structural timber systems by using mechanical assays.
- Use of photogrammetric techniques (Digital Image Correlation, DIC) for studying the behaviour of structural wood.
- Development of innovative products for wood construction.
- Evaluation of gluing in technical wood products.
- Training and teaching of structural wood calculations.
- Estimation of carbon footprint in structural wood products.
Forest health
Principal researchers: Lombardero Díaz, M.J.
- Effects of insect pests on the quality, growth and production of forest stands
- Invasive species
- Dynamics of forest insect populations: effects of temperature, plant nutrient status and defence system, microorganisms and fauna associated with growth, survival and reproduction of forest insects, in the current context of global change
Forest fires
Principal researchers: Álvarez González, J.G., Merino García, A., Ruiz González, A.D., Souza Alonso, P.
- Modelización da humidade de combustibles mortos e determinación de patróns estacionais de variación da humidade de combustibles vivos en formacións vexetais arboradas e non arboradas.
- Modelización de características estruturais do complexo de superficie determinantes da súa inflamabilidade e combustibilidade.
- Modelización de características estruturais do dosel arbóreo determinantes do risco de inicio e de propagación do lume polas copas.
- Catalogación de “situacións de combustible” en base aos criterios da “Fotoguía de combustibles forestales de Galicia y comportamiento del fuego asociado”.
- Avaliación da efectividade de tratamentos silvícolas na redución do comportamento do lume.
- Teledetección aplicada aos incendios forestais.
- Innovación educativa en incendios forestais.
Soil: nutrition, pollution, and rehabilitation
Principal researchers: Álvarez Rodríguez, E., Barreiro Buján, A.I., Fernández Marcos, M.L., Fernández Sanjurjo, M.J., Merino García, A., Núñez Delgado, A., Rodríguez Soalleiro, R., Souza Alonso, P.
- Fertilidade do solo, fertilización e diagnose nutricional a través da análise de solos e vexetación.
- Efectos do manexo do solo. Medidas de conservación.
- Ciclos bioxeoquímicos e da materia orgánica.
- Papel do solo no cambio climático: biodiversidade de microorganismos e gases de efecto invernadoiro.
- Contaminación do solo por metais pesados e contaminantes emerxentes. Restauración e descontaminación de solos e augas.
- Revalorización de residuos e subprodutos no ámbito agroforestal e ambiental.
- Avaliación de impactos do lume no solo e restauración de áreas queimadas.
- Solos tropicais.