Reuniones Internacionales 2017

Participación en congresos y reuniones científicas

Álvarez-González J.G., Arellano S., González-Ferreiro E., López-Sánchez C.A., Ruiz-González A.D. 2017. Modelling canopy variables related to wildfire hazard with field data, LiDAR and other remote sensors (Ponencia). IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress 2017. Freiburg (Germany), 18-22/09/2017
In: Abstracts IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress, Division 4 (Forest Assessment, Modelling and Management), 181 - Cross-boundary modelling in a changing world, abstract number IUFRO17-2493, pág. 106

Álvarez González J.G., Arellano S., Rocha M., Nunes L., Alberdi I., Castro Rego F., Ruiz González A.D. 2017. Assessing crown fire potential combining LiDAR and National Forest Inventory data. (Póster). 125th Anniversary Congress 2017, Division 4 (Forest Assessment, Modelling and Management), Forest information for bioeconomy outlooks – a joint session of the European National Forest Inventory Network (ENFIN) and the Horizon 2020 project DIABOLO. IUFRO. Freiburg (Germany), 19-22/09/2017

Arias-Rodil, M., Diéguez-Aranda, U., Tomé, M. 2017. Implementação em R, com interface gráfica em Shiny, do modelo 3-PG para Eucalyptus globulus em Portugal (Oral). 8º Congresso Florestal Nacional. Floresta em Português: Raizes do Futuro. Viana do Castelo (Portugal), 11-14/10/2017
En: Silva, M.E, Louzada, J.L., Alonso, J., Castro Rego, F. (Eds.). 8º Congresso Florestal Nacional. Floresta em Português: Raizes do Futuro. Resumos, pág.106. Sociedade Portuguese de Ciências Forestais. Multiponto, S.A. ISBN: 978-972-99656-6-1; PT:430790/17

Caballé, G., Mansini, R., Santaclara, O., Gonçalves, R., Guaita, M., Lario Leza, F.J., Merlo, E. 2017. Capacidad de predicción de calidad estructural de la madera con métodos sónicos desde edades tempranas/ Structural wood quality predictions capacity with accoustic methods, in young trees. (Oral). II Congreso Latinoamericano de Estructuras de Madera” (II CLEM) y “II Congreso Ibero-Latinoamericano de la Madera en la Construcción” (II CIMAD). Junín, Buenos Aires (Argentina), 17-19/05/2017
En: CLEM-CIMAD 2017, cod. T3-34, 8 págs.

Campagnolo, M., Gonçalves A., Ferreira Coelho, G., Schwantes, D., Álvarez-Rodriguez, E., Zimmermann, J. 2017. Removal of Cr(III) from contaminated water using chemically modified Brazil nut Shell. 2nd International Conferences on Sustainable Materials Science and Technology. Islas Canarias (España) 19-21/07/2017
In: ScienceKNOWConferences (Ed.). 2017. 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Materials Science and Technology. Extending Abstrats, pp. 67-72. ISBN: 987-84-697-4338-6

Castro Rego, F., Nunes, L., Pasadolos-Tato, M. Rocha, M., Silva, V., Alberdi, I., Álvarez-González, J.G. 2017. Harmonização das estimativas de massa volúmica para copas de espécies arbóreas e grupos de matos mais representativos na Península Ibérica (Poster). 8º Congresso Florestal Nacional. Floresta em Português: Raizes do Futuro. Viana do Castelo (Portugal), 11-14/10/2017
En: Silva, M.E, Louzada, J.L., Alonso, J., Castro Rego, F. (Eds.). 2017. 8º Congresso Florestal Nacional. Floresta em Português: Raizes do Futuro. Resumos, pág.27. Sociedade Portuguese de Ciências Forestais. Multiponto, S.A. ISBN: 978-972-99656-6-1; PT:430790/17

Diéguez-Aranda, U., González-González, J.M., Arias-Rodil, M. 2017. A web application for merchantable tree volume prediction using Shiny R package in Galicia. (Oral) 8º Congresso Florestal Nacional. Floresta em Português: Raizes do Futuro. Viana do Castelo (Portugal), 11-14/10/2017
En: Silva, M.E, Louzada, J.L., Alonso, J., Castro Rego, F. (Eds.). 8º Congresso Florestal Nacional. Floresta em Português: Raizes do Futuro. Resumos, pág.108. Sociedade Portuguese de Ciências Forestais. Multiponto, S.A. ISBN: 978-972-99656-6-1; PT:430790/17

Eimil-Fraga, C., Rodríguez-Soalleiro, R., Tomé, M., Nunes, L. 2017. Validation of Portuguese models for Pinus pinaster in forest plots in Galicia, Spain. (Poster). 8º Congresso Florestal Nacional. Floresta em Português: Raizes do Futuro. Viana do Castelo (Portugal), 11-14/10/2017
En: Silva, M.E, Louzada, J.L., Alonso, J., Castro Rego, F. (Eds.). 8º Congresso Florestal Nacional. Floresta em Português: Raizes do Futuro. Resumos, pág.46. Sociedade Portuguese de Ciências Forestais. Multiponto, S.A. ISBN: 978-972-99656-6-1; PT:430790/17

Fernández, E., Eimil-Fraga, C., Regueiro, M., Rigueiro, A., Rodríguez-Soalleiro, R. 2017. Facing the drought: an inventory of urban trees in the city of Lugo (Spain). (Poster). 8º Congresso Florestal Nacional. Floresta em Português: Raizes do Futuro. Viana do Castelo (Portugal), 11-14/10/2017
En: Silva, M.E, Louzada, J.L., Alonso, J., Castro Rego, F. (Eds.). 8º Congresso Florestal Nacional. Floresta em Português: Raizes do Futuro. Resumos, pág.75. Sociedade Portuguese de Ciências Forestais. Multiponto, S.A. ISBN: 978-972-99656-6-1; PT:430790/17

Fitza, K.N.E., Garnas, J.R., Ahumada, R., Ayres, M.P., Krivak-Tetley, F.E., Dodds, K., Lombardero, M.J., Brockerhoff, E.G., Wingfield, M.J., Slippers, B. 2017. Genetic diversity of Deladenus siricidicola, the biological control agent of the woodwasp Sirex noctilio. (Oral) ESSA & ZSSA (Entomological and Zoological Societies of Southern Africa) Combined Biennial Congress. Pretoria (Southern Africa), 3-7/07/2017
In: ESSA & ZSSA Combined Biennial Congress Book of Abstracts and Programe, pag. 97. ( )

Guerra-Hernández, J., González-Ferreiro, E., Soares, P., Tomé, M., Monleon, V. Díaz- Varela, R.A. 2017. Using multitemporal UAV imagery to estimate tree height growth in Pinus pinea plantations in Portugal (Oral). 5th Small Unmanned Aerial Systems for Environmental Research. Vila Real (Portugal), 28-30/06/2017
In: Small Unmanned Aerial Systems for Environmental Research 5th Edition. Abstract Book, pags 21-22. ISBN: 978-989-704-241-6 ( )

Lara-Bocanegra, A.J., Majano-Majano, A., Guaita, M. 2017. Relajación de tensiones en láminas curvadas de madera: revisión de los procedimientos de ensayo y enfoques de análisis estructural aplicados a estructuras laminares/ Stress relaxation on bending laths: review of test procedures and structural analysis approaches applied to timber gridshells. (Oral). II Congreso Latinoamericano de Estructuras de Madera” (II CLEM) y “II Congreso Ibero-Latinoamericano de la Madera en la Construcción” (II CIMAD). Junín, Buenos Aires (Argentina), 17-19/05/2017
En: CLEM-CIMAD 2017, cod. T6-29, 9 págs. (

Lara-Bocanegra, A.J., Majano-Majano, A., Ortiz, J., Guaita, M. 2017. Prototipo de lámina reticular postconformada con madera de Eucalyptus globulus: construcción y ensayo de laboratorio/ Elastic gridshell prototype made of Eucalyptus globulus: construction and laboratory test. (Oral). II Congreso Latinoamericano de Estructuras de Madera” (II CLEM) y “II Congreso Ibero-Latinoamericano de la Madera en la Construcción” (II CIMAD). Junín, Buenos Aires (Argentina), 17-19/05/2017
En: CLEM-CIMAD 2017, cod. T6-22, 9 págs. (

Lorenzo, D., Fernández-Golfín, J., Touza, M., Guaita, M., Lozano, A. Benito, J. 2017. Performance on Norway spruce bridge in North-West Spain after 12 years exposure. (Oral). IRG48 Scientific Conference on Wood Protection. Ghent (Belgium), 4-8/06/2017
In: Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting. IRG/WP 17-40796. The International Research Group on Wood Protection. ISSN 2000-8953 ( )

Nunes, L., Rocha, M., Castro Rego, F., Álvarez-González, J. G., Alberdi, I. 2017. Evolution of the information on fuels in the National Forest Inventories in the Iberian Peninsula (Poster). IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress 2017. Freiburg (Germany), 18-22/09/2017
In: Abstracts IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress, Division 4 (Forest Assessment, Modelling and Management), Forest information for bioeconomy outlooks – a joint session of the European National Forest Inventory Network (ENFIN) and the Horizon 2020 project DIABOLO, abstract number IUFRO17-212, pág.378

Rafael, R.B.A., Fernandez-Marcos, M.L., Cocco, S., Ruello, M.L., Fornasier, F., Corti, G. 2017. Benefits of biochars for soil quality, nutrient use efficiency and cowpea growth in acid arenosol. (Oral). 1st World Conference on Soil and Water Conservation under Global Change (CONSOWA). Lleida (Spain), 12-16/06/2017
In: Simó, I., Poch, R.M., Pla, I. (Eds). 2017. Extended Abstracts of the 1st World Conference on Soil and Water Conservation under Global Change - CONSOWA. ISBN: 978-84-697-2909-0

Regueira, R., Otero, E., Díaz, R., Guaita, M. 2017. Simulación por el método de los elementos finitos del comportamiento mecánico de vigas cajón estructurales con madera de frondosa y conífera en situación de incendio/ Numerical simulation of thermo-mechanical performance in Eucalyptus globulus box framed timber beams under a fire event. (Oral). II Congreso Latinoamericano de Estructuras de Madera” (II CLEM) y “II Congreso Ibero-Latinoamericano de la Madera en la Construcción” (II CIMAD). Junín, Buenos Aires (Argentina), 17-19/05/2017
En: CLEM-CIMAD 2017, cod. T6-22, 13 págs.

Rocha, M., Nunes, L., Alberdi, I., Álvarez-González, J.G., Montiel Molina, C., Castro Rego, F. 2017. Fire probability estimated by National Forest Inventories in Iberian Peninsula (Oral). IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress 2017. Freiburg (Germany), 18-22/09/2017
In: Abstracts IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress, Division 4 (Forest Assessment, Modelling and Management), Forest information for bioeconomy outlooks – a joint session of the European National Forest Inventory Network (ENFIN) and the Horizon 2020 project DIABOLO, abstract number IUFRO17-2265, pág.74

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